Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers Demo Questions
Here you can find Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the E20-594 study material. Be sure to go over the Free E20-594 questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full E20-594 dumps here.
These Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These E20-594 dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our E20-594 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the E20-594 exam!
Backup and Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Implementation Engineers Sample Questions:
1. What is the recommended replication method for moving all data and clients from a single node to a multinode EMC Avamar server?
A. /REPLICATE replication
B. Selective replication
C. Root-to-root replication
D. Normal replication
2. Which component should be stopped and started, before and after specifying the e-mail home smtp server?
B. gsan
D. dtlt
3. What is the minimum physical RAM requirement for a 0.5 TB installation of EMC AVE?
A. 1024 MB
B. 2048 MB
C. 3072 MB
D. 4096 MB
4. What is the EMC Avamar-recommended method for sending invitations simultaneously to a large number of installed clients?
A. Activation Manager
B. Batch Client load
C. Interactive server-side registration
D. Client-side registration
5. Which EMC Avamar policies are part of a group?
A. Dataset, Schedule, and Retention
B. Profile, Dataset, and Schedule
C. Clients, Profile, and Retention
D. Clients, Schedule, and Dataset
6. What is the lowest AVE version that will support an average daily change rate of less than 2 GB in a file server environment or 5 GB in a mixed environment?
A. 0.5 TB
B. 1.0 TB
C. 2.0 TB
D. 3.3 TB
7. What is the path for the EMC AVE avqinstall.log file?
A. /usr/local/avamar/var/log
B. /usr/local/avamar/etc/log
C. /data01/cur
D. /tmp
8. The EMC Avamar backup administrator is starting an ad-hoc backup using the Avamar Administrator interface. However, you notice that avtar is not starting on the client. Where is the first place you should look to begin troubleshooting?
A. avagent.log
B. err.log
C. avtar.log
D. avscc.log
9. An EMC Avamar customer is deploying a backup solution consisting of two EMC Avamar servers (server A and server B) with replication. Which configuration provides seamless server failover capability?
A. All clients back up to Avamar server A and backup data is replicated to Avamar server B using root-to-root replication.
B. Clients of server A replicate to Avamar server B and clients of Avamar server B replicate to Avamar server A using Normal replication.
C. Using root-to-root replication, clients of Avamar server A replicate to Avamar server B and clients of Avamar server B replicate to Avamar server A.
D. All clients back up to Avamar server A and backup data is replicated to Avamar server B using Normal replication.
10. You are performing an ad-hoc backup from a Windows client. Which log file would you use to investigate communication issues between the Avamar client and the Avamar server utility node?
A. avagent.log
B. COD-workorder-Windows.log
C. MOD-workorder-Windows.log
D. err.log