Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators Demo Questions
Here you can find Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the E20-598 study material. Be sure to go over the Free E20-598 questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full E20-598 dumps here.
These Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These E20-598 dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our E20-598 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the E20-598 exam!
Backup Recovery - Avamar Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators Sample Questions:
1. What is the lowest EMC Avamar Virtual Edition version that will support an average daily change rate of 1.5 GB in a file server environment?
A. 0.5 TB
B. 1.0 TB
C. 2.0 TB
D. 3.3 TB
2. When accessing the utility node using a bash shell (putty) session as ‘admin’, you receive a message referencing a possible Man-In-The-Middle attack stating: "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" How do you repair this condition?
A. Remove the IP address in question from /home/admin/.ssh/known_hosts
B. Remove the IP address in question from /root/.ssh/known_hosts
C. Remove "admin" from /etc/passwd on the utility node
D. Remove "admin_key" key from /home/admin/.ssh
3. A customer has received an Avamar Gen4 Data Store. They want the software version on the new system to match their existing Avamar 5.0 system. What do you tell the customer?
A. New system must run a minimum level of Avamar version 6.0 to support Gen4
B. New system can be downgraded to Avamar version 5.0
C. New system runs Avamar versions 5 and 6 natively to support existing systems
D. New system can have VMware added to it to support older Avamar versions
4. Which factor(s) impacts the EMC Avamar checkpoint overhead?
A. System daily change rate
B. Frequency of client backups
C. Whether backups succeed everyday
D. Size of the grid and licensed amount
5. Which type of database does EMC Avamar use to store information about backups?
A. PostgreSQL
B. Oracle
6. In EMC Avamar, what is the default duration of the backup window?
A. 6 hours
B. 8 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 12 hours
7. What is the last step in the hardware installation portion of an EMC Avamar multi-node deployment?
A. Connecting to the customer network
B. Cabling the nodes to the switch
C. Powering on the nodes
D. Configuring the internal switches
8. When configuring basic networking for the storage nodes in a multi-node EMC Gen4 Avamar, which port is used to perform this operation?
B. GB1
C. GB3
D. GB4
9. An EMC Avamar storage administrator has 400 Microsoft Windows clients; 350 are production and 50 are development. The administrator wants to replicate only the production servers. If Enterprise Manager is used to only include the production servers, what will be replicated?
A. Clients
B. Clients and MC_Backups
C. Clients, MC_Backups, and EM_Backups
D. Clients, MC_Backups, EM_Backups, and checkpoints
10. By default, what is a characteristic of Avamar ConnectEMC?
A. Sends Avamar alerts as they occur
B. Sends Avamar alerts twice daily
C. Sends reports twice daily
D. Sends reports as they are created