CompTIA PenTest+ Demo Questions
Here you can find CompTIA PenTest+ exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the PT0-002 study material. Be sure to go over the Free PT0-002 questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full PT0-002 dumps here.
These CompTIA PenTest+ certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These PT0-002 dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through CompTIA PenTest+ practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our PT0-002 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These CompTIA PenTest+ questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual CompTIA PenTest+ exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the PT0-002 exam!
CompTIA PenTest+ Sample Questions:
1. A penetration tester has obtained root access to a Linux-based file server and would like to maintain persistence after reboot. Which of the following techniques would BEST support this objective?
A. Create a one-shot systemd service to establish a reverse shell.
B. Obtain /etc/shadow and brute force the root password.
C. Run the nc -e /bin/sh <...> command.
D. Move laterally to create a user account on LDAP
2. A penetration tester was conducting a penetration test and discovered the network traffic was no longer reaching the client’s IP address. The tester later discovered the SOC had used sinkholing on the penetration tester’s IP address. Which of the following BEST describes what happened?
A. The penetration tester was testing the wrong assets
B. The planning process failed to ensure all teams were notified
C. The client was not ready for the assessment to start
D. The penetration tester had incorrect contact information
3. During a penetration-testing engagement, a consultant performs reconnaissance of a client to identify potential targets for a phishing campaign. Which of the following would allow the consultant to retrieve email addresses for technical and billing contacts quickly, without triggering any of the client’s cybersecurity tools? (Choose two.)
A. Scraping social media sites
B. Using the WHOIS lookup tool
C. Crawling the client’s website
D. Phishing company employees
E. Utilizing DNS lookup tools
F. Conducting wardriving near the client facility
4. Which of the following provides a matrix of common tactics and techniques used by attackers along with recommended mitigations?
A. NIST SP 800-53
B. OWASP Top 10
C. MITRE ATT&CK framework
D. PTES technical guidelines
5. A penetration tester wrote the following script to be used in one engagement:

Which of the following actions will this script perform?
A. Look for open ports.
B. Listen for a reverse shell.
C. Attempt to flood open ports.
D. Create an encrypted tunnel.
6. A penetration tester finds a PHP script used by a web application in an unprotected internal source code repository. After reviewing the code, the tester identifies the following:

Which of the following tools will help the tester prepare an attack for this scenario?
A. Hydra and crunch
B. Netcat and cURL
C. Burp Suite and DIRB
D. Nmap and OWASP ZAP
7. A company hired a penetration tester to do a social-engineering test against its employees. Although the tester did not find any employees’ phone numbers on the company’s website, the tester has learned the complete phone catalog was published there a few months ago. In which of the following places should the penetration tester look FIRST for the employees’ numbers?
A. Web archive
B. GitHub
C. File metadata
D. Underground forums
8. A penetration tester discovers that a web server within the scope of the engagement has already been compromised with a backdoor. Which of the following should the penetration tester do NEXT?
A. Forensically acquire the backdoor Trojan and perform attribution
B. Utilize the backdoor in support of the engagement
C. Continue the engagement and include the backdoor finding in the final report
D. Inform the customer immediately about the backdoor
9. A penetration tester has obtained a low-privilege shell on a Windows server with a default configuration and now wants to explore the ability to exploit misconfigured service permissions. Which of the following commands would help the tester START this process?
A. certutil –urlcache –split –f accesschk64.exe
B. powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).UploadFile(‘ upload.php’, ‘systeminfo.txt’)
C. schtasks /query /fo LIST /v | find /I “Next Run Time:”
D. wget –O accesschk64.exe
10. A company that requires minimal disruption to its daily activities needs a penetration tester to perform information gathering around the company’s web presence. Which of the following would the tester find MOST helpful in the initial information-gathering steps? (Choose two.)
A. IP addresses and subdomains
B. Zone transfers
C. DNS forward and reverse lookups
D. Internet search engines
E. Externally facing open ports
F. Shodan results