Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies Demo Questions
Here you can find Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the 350-201 CBRCOR study material. Be sure to go over the Free 350-201 CBRCOR questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full 350-201 CBRCOR dumps here.
These Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These 350-201 CBRCOR dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our 350-201 CBRCOR demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the 350-201 CBRCOR exam!
Performing CyberOps Using Cisco Security Technologies Sample Questions:
1. Which bash command will print all lines from the “colors.txt” file containing the non case-sensitive pattern “Yellow”?
A. grep -i “yellow” colors.txt
B. locate “yellow” colors.txt
C. locate -i “Yellow” colors.txt
D. grep “Yellow” colors.txt
2. An engineer is moving data from NAS servers in different departments to a combined storage database so that the data can be accessed and analyzed by the organization on-demand. Which data management process is being used?
A. data clustering
B. data regression
C. data ingestion
D. data obfuscation
3. A security manager received an email from an anomaly detection service, that one of their contractors has downloaded 50 documents from the company’s confidential document management folder using a company- owned asset al039-ice-4ce687TL0500. A security manager reviewed the content of downloaded documents and noticed that the data affected is from different departments. What are the actions a security manager should take?
A. Measure confidentiality level of downloaded documents.
B. Report to the incident response team.
C. Escalate to contractor’s manager.
D. Communicate with the contractor to identify the motives.
4. A security analyst receives an escalation regarding an unidentified connection on the Accounting A1 server within a monitored zone. The analyst pulls the logs and discovers that a Powershell process and a WMI tool process were started on the server after the connection was established and that a PE format file was created in the system directory. What is the next step the analyst should take?
A. Isolate the server and perform forensic analysis of the file to determine the type and vector of a possible attack
B. Identify the server owner through the CMDB and contact the owner to determine if these were planned and identifiable activities
C. Review the server backup and identify server content and data criticality to assess the intrusion risk
D. Perform behavioral analysis of the processes on an isolated workstation and perform cleaning procedures if the file is malicious
5. Refer to the exhibit.

Two types of clients are accessing the front ends and the core database that manages transactions, access control, and atomicity. What is the threat model for the SQL database?
A. An attacker can initiate a DoS attack.
B. An attacker can read or change data.
C. An attacker can transfer data to an external server.
D. An attacker can modify the access logs.
6. Refer to the exhibit.

An engineer must tune the Cisco IOS device to mitigate an attack that is broadcasting a large number of ICMP packets. The attack is sending the victim’s spoofed source IP to a network using an IP broadcast address that causes devices in the network to respond back to the source IP address. Which action does the engineer recommend?
A. Use command ip verify reverse-path interface
B. Use global configuration command service tcp-keepalives-out
C. Use subinterface command no ip directed-broadcast
D. Use logging trap 6
7. Refer to the exhibit.

Where is the MIME type that should be followed indicated?
A. x-test-debug
B. strict-transport-security
C. x-xss-protection
D. x-content-type-options
8. Refer to the exhibit.

Cisco Advanced Malware Protection installed on an end-user desktop automatically submitted a low prevalence file to the Threat Grid analysis engine. What should be concluded from this report?
A. Threat scores are high, malicious ransomware has been detected, and files have been modified
B. Threat scores are low, malicious ransomware has been detected, and files have been modified
C. Threat scores are high, malicious activity is detected, but files have not been modified
D. Threat scores are low and no malicious file activity is detected
9. An engineer implemented a SOAR workflow to detect and respond to incorrect login attempts and anomalous user behavior. Since the implementation, the security team has received dozens of false positive alerts and negative feedback from system administrators and privileged users. Several legitimate users were tagged as a threat and their accounts blocked, or credentials reset because of unexpected login times and incorrectly typed credentials. How should the workflow be improved to resolve these issues?
A. Meet with privileged users to increase awareness and modify the rules for threat tags and anomalous behavior alerts
B. Change the SOAR configuration flow to remove the automatic remediation that is increasing the false positives and triggering threats
C. Add a confirmation step through which SOAR informs the affected user and asks them to confirm whether they made the attempts
D. Increase incorrect login tries and tune anomalous user behavior not to affect privileged accounts
10. Refer to the exhibit.

An organization is using an internal application for printing documents that requires a separate registration on the website. The application allows format-free user creation, and users must match these required conditions to comply with the company’s user creation policy: (i) minimum length: 3 (ii) usernames can only use letters, numbers, dots, and underscores (iii) usernames cannot begin with a number The application administrator has to manually change and track these daily to ensure compliance. An engineer is tasked to implement a script to automate the process according to the company user creation policy. The engineer implemented this piece of code within the application, but users are still able to create format-free usernames. Which change is needed to apply the restrictions?
A. modify code to return error on restrictions def return false_user(username, minlen)
B. automate the restrictions def automate_user(username, minlen)
C. validate the restrictions, def validate_user(username, minlen)
D. modify code to force the restrictions, def force_user(username, minlen)