Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series Demo Questions
Here you can find Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the DES-1721 study material. Be sure to go over the Free DES-1721 questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full DES-1721 dumps here.
These Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These DES-1721 dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our DES-1721 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the DES-1721 exam!
Specialist - Implementation Engineer SC Series Sample Questions:
1. Which configuration represents how the back-end is cabled on an SC7020 storage array without expansion enclosures?




2. Refer to the Exhibit.

A customer has asked you to perform a port failover test to demonstrate system resiliency. What is needed to complete this task?
A. Add more cables per switch
B. Switch to Legacy Port Mode
C. Add more switches per controller
D. Switch to Virtual Port Mode
3. In an SC8000 environment, what is a reason why Legacy Port Mode should be implemented on the front-end legacy Mode?
A. Simplify iSCSI connectivity
B. Improve front-end redundancy
C. Support AIX servers without NPIV
D. Increase front-end performance
4. What is the maximum memory supported on a single SC9000 controller?
A. 64 GB
B. 96 GB
C. 128 GB
D. 256 GB
5. A customer wants to add an SC420 and an SC200 to a SC7020 storage array. What is the recommended approach to adding the new enclosures?
A. One single SAS chain connected to a 6 Gb SAS card
B. One single SAS chain connected to a 12 Gb SAS card
C. Two separate SAS chains connected to a 6 Gb SAS card
D. Two separate SAS chains connected to a 12 Gb SAS card
6. A customer has two production sites with one storage administrator at each site. The customer wants to replicate data between their SC9000 storage arrays. Each administrator uses a workstation with the Dell Storage Manager Client to manage their respective system. Now, the CEO wants data replicated between both sites. What is the first step to configure replication between sites?
A. Configure an iSCSI network over WAN
B. Install Dell Storage Manager Data Collector
C. Create a QoS node in Dell Storage Manager Client
D. Initially sync data with USB hard drives
7. You are installing a new SC9000. Which procedure should be used to install and configure the system?
A. Connect through the iDRAC port
B. Connect through a null modem cable to the serial port
C. Connect through the Dell Storage Manager Client
D. Connect through the supplied proprietary serial cable to the serial port
8. Refer to the Exhibit.

You are testing failover from a host perspective. The host has been configured in a “Failover Only MPIO” configuration. When running IOmeter if the Data Path 2 cable from the host is disconnected, will the host survive the failover?
A. No; Failover MPIO is configured for only Data Path 1
B. No; IOmeter is sending I/O only on one path
C. Yes; the server has Data Path 1 connected to both controllers
D. Yes; Failover MPIO should failover
9. A customer has a dual controller system, two independent Fibre Channel switches, and six servers all multipathed. How many zones should be present on each for the SAN to run properly in Virtual Port Mode?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. 16
10. You need to set up the iDRAC IP address on an SC Series controller with the following details: (i) IP address (ii) subnet mask (iii) gateway
Which commands should be used to complete this task?
A. ifconfig inet set eth0 ip inet set eth0 netmask inet set eth0 gateway
B. ifconfig inet set eth1 ip inet set eth1 netmask inet set eth1 gateway
C. controller ipconfig set eth0 ip ipconfig set eth0 netmask ipconfig set eth0 gateway
D. platform bmc set ip bmc set netmask bmc set gateway