Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices Demo Questions
Here you can find Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices exam sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming certification test. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the 100-890 CLTECH study material. Be sure to go over the Free 100-890 CLTECH questions multiple times so that you are confident and comfortable with the material. You can always go to the full 100-890 CLTECH dumps here.
These Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices certification questions are designed to give you a feel for the material you'll be tested on. They cover a wide range of topics, so you can get a sense of what to expect on examination day.
These 100-890 CLTECH dumps are updated regularly, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. We also provide answer keys so that students can check their work.
Additionally, going through Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our 100-890 CLTECH demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real thing.
These Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices questions cover the material that will be on the test, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their skills. The questions are designed to be similar to those that will be on the actual Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices exam, so that students can get a feel for what they will be facing. We believe that by providing these demo questions, students will be better prepared and more likely to succeed on their exams.
Good luck for the 100-890 CLTECH exam!
Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices Sample Questions:
1. What might require certificate validation before being used?
A. Transport Layer Devices
B. Transport Layer Protocols
C. Transport Layer Networking
D. Transport Layer Security
2. Which command shows the status of power supplies and sensor temperatures?
A. show hardware
B. show module
C. show environment
D. show diag
3. What provides the coding and decoding translation between analog and digital facilities?
A. Transformer
B. Translator
C. Converter
D. Codec
4. Which Collaboration Room system is recommended for more than 14 people?
A. Cisco Webex Room Kit
B. Cisco Webex Room Kit Pro
C. Cisco Webex Room USB
D. Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus
E. Cisco Webex Room Kit Mini
5. Which two devices can provide a Cisco IP phone the network connection and power necessary for the phone to function in the IP telephony network? (Choose two )
A. IP phone power adapter with Ethernet port
B. Cisco Unified Communications Manager PoE port
C. Cisco TelePresence codec
D. Cisco Voice Gateway PoE port
E. Cisco Catalyst PoE switch
6. From which network service does a Cisco IP phone request the configuration file during the bootup process?
A. Cisco Unified Communications Manager
B. DHCP server
C. Cisco Catalyst switch
D. Phone's local default configuration in the flash memory is used
E. TFTP server
7. What are two components of Infrastructure collaboration? (Choose two)
A. instant messaging
B. security mechanism
C. voicemail system
D. video conferencing
E. quality of service
8. What is the purpose of Intelligent Proximity?
A. Speaker tracking
B. Camera control
C. Presenter tracking
D. Content sharing
9. Which distributed database allows hostnames lo be mapped to IP addresses?
A. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
B. Network Time Protocol (NTP)
C. Domain Name System (DNS)
D. Cisco Discovery Protocol
10. Cisco TMS can expand functionalities with additional software feature licenses. Which phrase applies to the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (TMS) Provisioning Extension (TMSPE)?
A. It gives developers access to the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite booking functionality
B. It allows TMS to integrate Cisco and third-party unmanaged conferencing bridges
C. It allows video conferencing network administrators to create and manage user accounts, phone books, configuration templates, and address patterns.
D. It enables Cisco TelePresence scheduling through Microsoft Outlook