Our technical experts have prepared Blue Prism Certification Developer dumps course comprises of all exam type questions. This course covers all topics of exam and with promise to clear it.
This Blue Prism Certification Developer questions course is a pdf file course. It contains all questions which are supposed to appear in the actual examination. You can download this pdf course multiple times.
Detailed understanding of Blue Prism native functions and their correct application. |
Date Functions: DateAdd() DateDiff() FormatDate() MakeDate() Now() Today() |
Environment Functions: IsStoprequested() |
Text Functions: Concatenate() EndsWith() Mid() Left() Len() Right() StartsWith() Trim() |
Datatypes: different datatypes and casting data of one type to another type using a calculation stage. |
Debugging: stepping in, stepping out, to breakpoints, what happens when exceptions are thrown when stepping over or stepping out of subpages. |
Environment and session variables: when to use them, where they are created, how can they be amended, how are they assigned and when is a change affected in a process. |
Exception handling: throwing exceptions and correct use of recover, resume stages. Exception types, detail and preserving detail. Correct use of blocks. |
Process flow through decision, choice stages and sub-pages. |
Wait stages: how to use them, when to use arbitrary waits. |
Correct use of action retrying from a process as per Blue Prism standard template. (See portal template and process creation tutorial). |
Knowledge of Blue Prism process templates and their structure and flow. |
How to keep sensitive data out of session logs and Control Room |
Process exposure to Control Room. How to control exposure and under what conditions will processes not be exposed? |
Correct use of attributes to ensure consistent identification of elements. Which attributes are best for helping make element attributes unique? And which are not? Causes of previously spied elements suddenly not being found. Use of dynamic attributes, correct setting in application modeller and how to set attribute parameters from Blue Prism stages. Use of regular expressions to identify elements. |
Correct use of Global Send Keys and Global Send Key Events. |
Object exposure: correct understanding of the differences between background, foreground and exclusive modes and their effect when attempting to create sessions in Control Room |
Collections and Loops; correct flow, correct syntax in decisions and calculations, nested collections and nested loops |
Work queues; creation and administration. Functionality in Control Room. All work queues internal business object actions, filtering syntax, case management and the correct use of tags. |
Exam Name: Blue Prism Certification Developer
Exam Duration: 1 Hour
No of Questions: 60
Passing Marks: 70%
Out technical experts have spoken to many candidates who have already appeared on the exam and taken their feedback into utmost consideration. This has helped us to improve our course significantly. The cost is such low that it is as Blue Prism Certification Developer free questions. Sometimes we give this course as free AD01 dumps to help students.
This course will also work as Blue Prism Certification Developer sample questions. You will feel confident after going through these Blue Prism Certification Developer dumps. We have also kept the exam syllabus into consideration while preparing the questions.
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