Our technical experts have prepared GIAC Critical Controls Certification practice questions course comprises of all exam type questions. This course covers all topics of exam and with promise to clear it.
This GIAC Critical Controls Certification questions course is a pdf file course. It contains all questions which are supposed to appear in the actual examination. You can download this pdf course multiple times.
v8 Access Control Management |
The candidate will be familiar with processes and tools used create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software. |
v8 Account Management |
The candidate will be familiar with processes and tools used to assign and manage authorization to credentials for accounts to enterprise assets and software. |
v8 Application Software Security |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools to manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise. |
v8 Audit Log Management |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs to help detect, understand, and recover from an attack. |
v8 Background on CIS Controls, Standards, and Governance |
The candidate will be familiar with the background, history, and purpose of the CIS Controls, notable Security Standards, and Security Program Governance. The GIAC Critical Controls Certification exam is aligned with the current release, CIS Controls V8.0. |
v8 Continuous Vulnerability Management |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to continuously assess, track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets, and remediate them, and to monitor sources for new threat and vulnerability information. |
v8 Data Protection |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data. |
v8 Data Recovery |
The candidate will be familiar with processes and tools used to establish and maintain data recovery practices to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state. |
v8 Email and Web Browser Protections |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to defend email and web based internet traffic from threats intending to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement. |
v8 Incident Response Management |
The candidate will be familiar with process and tools to establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack. |
v8 Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to actively account for and manage the inventory of enterprise assets and all associated data throughout their life cycles. |
v8 Inventory and Control of Software Assets |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to actively manage all software on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution. |
v8 Malware Defenses |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools used to prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications on enterprise assets. |
v8 Network Infrastructure Management |
The candidate will be familiar with processes and tools used to establish, implement, and actively manage network devices, in order to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points. |
v8 Network Monitoring and Defense |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools that establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise’s network infrastructure and user base. |
v8 Penetration Testing |
The candidate will be familiar with process and tools used to test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in controls, and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker. |
v8 Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software |
The candidate will be familiar with the processes and tools to establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets and software. |
v8 Security Awareness and Skills Training |
The candidate will be familiar with processes to establish and maintain a security awareness program to increase the workforce's security consciousness and skills in order to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise. |
v8 Service Provider Management |
The candidate will be familiar with processes to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise’s critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data appropriately. |
Exam Name: GIAC Critical Controls Certification
Exam Duration: 120 minutes
No of Questions: 75
Out technical experts have spoken to many candidates who have already appeared on the exam and taken their feedback into utmost consideration. This has helped us to improve our course significantly. The cost is such low that it is as GIAC Critical Controls Certification free questions. Sometimes we give this course as free GCCC practice questions to help students.
This course will also work as GIAC Critical Controls Certification sample questions. You will feel confident after going through these GIAC Critical Controls Certification practice questions. We have also kept the exam syllabus into consideration while preparing the questions.
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