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Selling Aruba Products and Solutions Exam Syllabus:
Percentage of Exam
Industry and Technology
Describe the transformation that is occurring at the network edge
Explain why customers need flexibility in the way they consume, manage, and fund IT services
Explain how the transformation at the edge provides opportunities for customers to improve their business outcomes
Aruba Vision and Strategy
Explain how Aruba’s edge-to-cloud strategy helps customers of all sizes create and deliver unique experiences, innovate products and services, and drive efficient operations
Describe how Aruba ESP's 4 attributes of AIOps, Zero Trust Security, Unified Infrastructure and As-a-Service help enterprise and mid-sized organizations drive new business outcomes
Financial and Consumption Flexibility
Demonstrate to your customers that you understand why organizations are moving toward as-a-Service consumption models
Describe Aruba ESP as-a-Service solutions and the benefits these services offer Aruba customers and partners
Engage your customers with a value-oriented approach to have more effective sales conversations
Aruba Cloud Solutions
Explain the benefits Aruba Cloud Strategy offers mid-market and enterprise customers
Explain the competitive advantages the Aruba Cloud Strategy gives you as an Aruba Partner
Explain how Aruba Central features and solutions enable the Aruba Cloud Strategy
Aruba AIOps
Describe how Aruba AIOps differentiates Aruba in the marketplace
Explain how Aruba AIOps helps organizations redefine outcomes so they can deliver unique user experiences and innovative products and services
Explain key use cases for Aruba AIOps and position the appropriate solutions for a particular use case
Aruba Zero Trust Security
Describe how Aruba Zero Trust Security differentiates Aruba in the marketplace
Describe how Aruba Zero Trust Security protects organizations from the edge to the cloud, identifying every user and device connected to the network, and implementing granular controls
Explain key use cases for Aruba Zero Trust Security and position the appropriate solutions for a particular use case
Aruba Unified Infrastructure—Campus Access
Describe how Aruba campus solutions differentiate Aruba in the marketplace
Describe how Aruba’s solutions are built on a single architecture that is designed to deliver a consistent experience across wired and wireless
Explain key use cases for Aruba Unified Infrastructure and position the appropriate campus solutions for a particular use case
Aruba Unified Infrastructure—Data Center
Describe how Aruba Data Center solutions differentiate Aruba in the marketplace
Describe how Aruba Data Center solutions automate management, monitoring, and optimization
Explain key use cases for Aruba Unified Infrastructure in the data center and position solutions for particular use cases
Describe the high-level competitive landscape and explain how Aruba partners can win with Aruba Data Center solutions
Aruba Unified Infrastructure—SD-Branch
Describe how Aruba SD-Branch solutions differentiate Aruba in the marketplace
Describe how Aruba Unified Infrastructure simplifies management and improves connectivity for distributed networks
Explain key use cases for Aruba Unified Infrastructure and position Aruba SD-Branch solutions for a particular use case
Describe the high-level competitive landscape and explain how Aruba Partners can win with Aruba SD-Branch solutions
Aruba Small Business Solutions
Describe the unique needs of customers in the small business market
Describe Aruba’s Instant On portfolio and how it meets the unique needs of small businesses
Position the appropriate Aruba solutions for a particular small business use case
Describe the high-level competitive landscape and explain how you can win with the Aruba Small Business portfolio
Official Selling Aruba Products and Solutions Exam Details:
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This course will also work as Selling Aruba Products and Solutions sample questions. You will feel confident after going through these Selling Aruba Products and Solutions dumps. We have also kept the exam syllabus into consideration while preparing the questions. is a legally protected trademark; all other products, trademarks, logos and brands are the property of their respective companies and they are the assests of the respective holders of the rights. provides unofficial study materials, and educational material which doesn't intend to substitute the official materials provided by other company displayed in the web-site. The usage of third party logos doesn't have an endorsement or association with any other company. The use of third-party logos is done with a view to enhancing User Experience.